The Hythe & Dibden Community Association is made up of members.

These members tend to come from our "groups" which are sometimes called "sections" though there is a technical difference between the two. The difference is in their origins. When the group is created from out of the membership of the Association then it's a "section" (a section of the Association). If the group comes to the Association from elsewhere and then joins the Association then it becomes a "membership group". If a group comes from elsewhere to rent a room from the Community Centre but doesn't become a membership group (for which there are various reasons why they don't / can't), then that's an "Associated group". Businesses don't get the opportunity to join the Association as the Association is a charity and the Charity Commision has concerns about businesses masquarding as charities.

Members can be independent from any group and still take part in Association events.

Becoming a member is easy: Currently you either:

 In the future we may accept on-line applications for individuals.


Membership has it's advantage.

It's current most notable advantage is getting a discount off the standard (Associated) rate for groups hiring rooms at the Community Centre.

It also has its "disadvantages".

 - One such "disadvantage" is responsibility.

As a member you are expected to partake in Association events - when we have them! One of the routine events is our Annual General Meeting - which sounds boring but is often the only time that members of the Association meet up with other members from outside their own groups. This once a year event gives members the formal opportunity to put questions to the H&D Community Association Committee. Membership and Associated groups can (if they like) put forward up to two representatives to attend the A.G.M on their groups behalf (but any member can attend as a member in their own right). These representatives would then become part of the "General Committee" (also occasionally called "the Council") these advise the Executive Committee (Chairman, Vice-chairman (when we need one), Treasurer, Secretary) during monthly "General meetings" - currently held on the first Thursday afternoon of the month,

The Executive Committee is voted in during the A.G.M. It is officially one member - one vote unless a membership group turns up in force then only their two representatives can vote - this stops coups (like the one we had in 1989).


If you've never participated in an A.G.M then here's a basic outline of the events:

(in our archives are examples of our own A.G.M's minutes)


  1. The "Welcoming speech" usually done by the Chairman. This will often include an agenda.
  2. Apologies for absences.
  3. The Minutes of the previous General or Executive meeting is read out and proposed and then seconded on their validity.
  4. The report on the Executive Committee's activities since the last A.G.M will be read out. The reading out of the audited accounts will follow this.
  5. The Election of Executive officers.
  6. Standing Orders / Matters arising / any other business. -Idea's put toward the committee, need to be proposed and then seconded if they need to be put to a vote.
  7. Questions from the floor / General discussion.
  8. Meeting ends.

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