The Executive Committee for the years 1991 - 92 included:

Chairman: Mr R. Knieriem.   Vice-chairman: Mr S. Wade.    Secretary: Mr R. White.
Treasurer: Mrs E. Bateman.   Warden: Mr J. Armitage.
Executive committee members: H. Hunter, C Versey, K. Webb. P. Ledingham, Mr & Mrs Jary.
Others mentioned: Joyce Armitage, Yvonne Parkes, Sylvia Barton. Brian Arthur and Co (accountants), Karen & Sue (playgroup), J. Clements, D. French, Mrs Mclean.

 H&D.C.A Highlights (taken from the minutes):

  1.  A letter was received from the Parish Council regarding an "outstanding legal fee" from the opening of the Community Centre - in 1984!
  2. The food for the disco's were brought from Makro and the drinks from Waitrose. New volunteers were available and the disco's were being well attended.
  3. The H&D Parish Hall was to be refurbished.
  4.  The Woodland Project invited members of the Association to attend one of their meetings.
  5. New folding tables were being looked into.
  6. The leaky roof had been repaired and an alarm system had been brought after the Community Centre had been broken into. A second patch of roofing was also repaired for £400. A new leak appeared soon after in the Inn  Centre. It took £190 to repair this.
  7. The A.G.M had 22 people including Committee members. The attendance sheet still exists. Membership for the year was about 636. Membership cost £1.50 for the year - though this apparently started with the committee year and not the calendar year.
  8. A gardener was once more employed.
  9. The building of a perminent Community Centre was discussed and suggested to be in phases with the first phase being attached to the (then) current building. This then changed to being a single storey meeting hall, toilet block and kitchen with the existing building being torn down before hand. It was said that the H&D Parish Council would need to give their permission to demolish "their" building. Legally a demolished building needs "Planning permission" to be taken down anyway.
  10. Hampshire Building Society merged with Bradford & Bingley Building Society.
  11. There was a new leadership and organisers for the "Playgroup". The need for children's toilets once more appeared.
  12. The warden, Jack, was earning £182 a month for 15 hours a week offical employment. The Cleaner, Joyce was earning £132 a month for 10 hours a week official employment. This breaks down to £3.03 / hours for wardening and £3.30/ hour for cleaning. In 1984 when the job of Warden first started, his rate of pay was the same as the Cleaners at £21.50 per week.
  14. "Lesser Building Systems Limited" folded. This was the company that created the original modular Community Centre.

 H&D.C.A Committee minutes

Not many minutes remain.

Archive folder/1991/EM 1 (1991 Jan).pdf

Archive folder/1991/AGM (1991 Mar).pdf

Archive folder/1991/EM 11 (1991 Nov).pdf

Archive folder/1991/EM 12 (1991 Dec).pdf



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