The Executive Committee for the years 1999 -2000 included:

Chairman: Graham Parkes.   Vice-chairman: Joe Kollar.   Secretary: Robin Lansley.
Treasurer: Eileen Bateman. Minibuses: Ray White.    Warden: Jack Armitage.
General committee: Yvonne Parkes,Alan Young, Sylvia Barton, John Holt , Margaret Keer, Sheila Reeves.
Also named / attending: Stan Wade, Martin Devine (N.F.D.C), David Bateman,

 The Highlights:

  1.  A small change to the H&D Community Association's Constitution was announced allowing the Chairman and /or Vice-Chairman to serve for more than 3 consecutive years. This was passed unanimously. The earlier Constitutional clause restricting it to three years had been introduced sometime between 1987 and 1996 at an A.G.M whose minutes are missing.
  2. 27 members attended the A.G.M. Groups represented included: U.3.A, Over 40's dance, W.A.G, Hythe Wives, Monday Whist, Waterside Quilters, Purlieu Lace Makers, Friday Bridge, H.Y.A.D.S, Historians, J&J's Pre-school, the Spiritualist Church, Waterside Healers, Woodcarvers,
  3. The European elections were held on 1st of July.
  4. Jack was on holiday early June.
  5. The car park had been re-painted. A "private car park" sign was made.
  6. The new building was threatened by the developments of St John's, St Andrews and the Baptist Church (Challenger way) new rooms/ halls.
  7. The subject of banning people from smoking in the Centre was raise. It had, until then, only had a no smoking policy in the Kitchen and Office.
  8. The roof was repaired (again) for £500.
  9. A new photocopier with 2.92p per copy was offered as the current on was "beyond its' economic life"
  10. A "buy a brick" scheme was suggested.
  11. Executive meetings would be changed from evenings to monthly Friday afternoons as of 2000.
  12. The "playschool" was paying £7.00 per session. By this time they were in every weekday - Morning and afternoon.
  13. The Community Centre would be closed for Xmas between 12pm on Friday (24th?) of 1999 to the 5th of January 2000.


H&D.C.A Committee minutes

EM 01 (Jan 1999) - Missing. Held 5th of January ahead of General Committee meeting.

GM 4 of 1998 (Jan 1999). Held on 5th of January.

Archive folder/1999/AGM notice (Mar 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/AGM (Mar 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/EM 5 (May 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/EM 6 (June 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/GM 1 (Jul 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/FCCM 1 (Jul 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/EM 11 (Nov 1999).pdf

Archive folder/1999/EM 12 (Dec 1999).pdf



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