The Executive Committee for the years 1998 - 99 included:

Chairman: Graham Parkes.   Vice-chairman: Joe Kollar.   Secretary: Robin Lansley.
Treasurer: Eileen Bateman. Minibuses: Ray White.    Warden: Jack Armitage.
General committee: Yvonne Parkes, Alan Young, Sylvia Barton, John Holt.
Also named / attending: Jean Lock, Stan Wade, Maureen Daniel, Rosemary Knieriem,

The Highlights.

  1.  The A.G.M would be on the 3rd of March. it had 9 members as well as the Executive Committee. Groups represented at the A.G.M were: H.Y.A.D.S, U.3.A, W.A.G, Scrabble, Friday Bridge, Hythe Wives, The Over 40's, Historians, Waterside Heritage and the Walkers.
  2. The Quilters Group had donated a quilt for the December (1997) draw and the draw had raised about £500.
  3. The Craft fair had formed a new Committee and moved to the "Mariners" (currently known as "Seashell's Lounge & bar).
  4. There was a complaint that the Christmas decorations hadn't been put up for 1997 to 1998. It was promised that they would be put up for 1999 (or maybe 1998 to 1999).
  5. The most recent application to the National lottery had failed. 11 groups had applied and only 1 had succeeded.
  6. The "playschool" was paying about £6.80 per session
  7. The Community Centre had "passed" inspection by the fire, health & safety authorities.
  8. Ray White was looking after monday evenings as warden, Robin Lansley was Tuesday evening Warden, Jack Armitage was Wednesday evening Warden, Graham Parkes was Thursday evening Warden. Friday was not listed
  9. Medscreen were using the Centre during August.
  10. Jack's Holiday would be two weeks in September.


H&D.C.A Committee minutes

EM 1 (Jan 1998) - Missing. It was supposed to be held on the 6th of Jan.

EM 2 (Feb 1998) - Missing. It was supposed ot be held on the 3rd of Feb

Archive folder/1998/AGM (Mar 1998).pdf

EM 3 (Apr 1998) - Missing. Held on 7th of April ahead of General Committee meeting.

Archive folder/1998/GM 1 (Apr 1998).pdf

Archive folder/1998/EM 5 (May 1998).pdf

Archive folder/1998/EM 6 (June 1998).pdf

EM 7 (Jul 1998) - Missing. Held on on 7th of July ahead of General Committee meeting.

Archive folder/1998/GM 2 (Jul 1998).pdf

EM 8 - Missing. Held 4th of August but probably cancelled due to it being August.

EM 9 - Missing. Held on 1st of Sepember.

EM 10 - Missing.  Held on the 6th of October ahead of General Committee meeting.

GM 3 (Oct 1998) - Missing. Held on the 6th of October 1998

EM11 (Nov 1998) - Missing. Held on 3rd of Nov.

EM12 (Dec 1998) - Missing. Held on 1st of Dec.




 (C) Copyright H&D Community Association. 2024